Jungle Fever

Name: Jungle Fever Sound System
Genre: Reggae/Dancehall/Hip Hop
Hometown: Padova, Italy


Sound Biography: The sound born in Padova in 2011, when two friends, Scoli (selekta) and Panzer (Selekta/Mc) decided to give a name to their musical partnership. Shortly after, Andre (Mc/selekta) joined the Sound and together they started mashing up the dancehalls of Padova and in Veneto in 2012, and became one of the most active sounds of the region.

In 2013 they began to organize the "Fire Time" Night at Studio 2 in Padova, where they hosted some of the most important sounds in Italy and Europe, like Rude Massive (IT), Herb-A-Lize It (NL), Kalibandulu (IT) and Kachafayah (SP).

Their Sound mixes fresh tunes and old anthems, becoming an explosion of energy and passion.

Andre and Panzer run the scene since 2005/2006. Both took part to the second edition of Veneto Blaze (a reunion of the most important sound of Veneto), the first as Vibrabbona’s Mc and the second as Panzer Selecta. 
Over the years Panzer has played in many dancehalls and has developed a great passion for jungle music too, that led him to prticipate in many electronic music events. 
Andre after Vibrabbona’s experience, which allowed him to manage many events in CSO Pedro and to play all over Italy, joined Soul Earthquake Sound, an italian famous sound, and began to organize important dates in Veneto and participate at the first Judgement Day Clash in Rome against Shanty Crew from Bari and Rude Massive from San Benedetto del Tronto. Before leaving Soul Earthquake, he hosted for the first time in Padova Heartical Sound from Paris and Pow Pow Movement from Cologne.
Scoli, is a brilliant and eclectic selekta, always well informed about news and best tunes. He organizes the Oranjeboom Night on the beaches of Bibione (VE) each summer, where locals and turists dance untill sunrise. 

Their dancehalls are always a surprise and every one is different from the other!